Joomla Certification by TemplateMonster

Joomla is the 4th most popular CMS. Since its development, it has been used mostly to develop portal-like websites. And many online stores use Joomla. You can create a Joomla website if you know the basis of PHP. Yet, you will need a Certificate that verifies your skills.

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If you want to make a career as a Joomla theme developer, you need a good portfolio. It is a must-have to sell your projects to a good marketplace. Or find a good website development project.

And this is when you need a good certificate. It will testify to your skills. After all, clients tend to trust developers with certificates. And if you get a certificate it will help you:

  • create a good resume;
  • check your skills;
  • learn a few things about Joomla development;
  • enrich your portfolio.

What is Joomla Certification by TemplateMonster?

It is a poof of your skills. And if you have our certificate, you can say that you’ve passed a test made by truly professional developers. And it is common to get as many certificates as you can. And you should do so, just make sure that you’ll have some benefits from it.

Keep in mind that TemplateMonster has different Certifications for different CMS.

For Whom We Developed This Joomla Certification Program?

You could mention that a lot of people call themselves developers. And Joomla is no exception. But when it comes to freelance, clients want to be sure that you know what you are doing. And since there is no official Joomla examination, we advise you to get our Joomla Developer Certificate. You need it if you are:

  • a website developer;
  • a web development coach;
  • a freelancer;
  • an outsourcing company employee.

Is Joomla Certification by TemplateMonster worth it?

Yes. It is a certification program from a company with a long history in the web development business. Our marketplace contains hundreds of thousands of digital products developed by professionals. Some of them were students in the TemplateMonster web development School. They passed our educational courses and then got a Certificate.

We already mentioned that you need a Certificate from a reliable company. And what can be more reliable than a Certificate from such a well-known brand as TemplateMonster? Clients will more likely trust you if you have our Certificate in a portfolio.

In addition, it is easy to start the Certification test. No need for additional courses or advertising. Just press the Enroll button and get your Certificate. And if you want to boost your Joomla skills, do not be shy to apply for our educational courses.

